We want you to be entirely happy with your purchase from Zahir. If you have any additional questions about returning our products, don't hesitate to contact us here


If for any reason you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you may return or exchange your order within 15 days of your purchase date. If your order date has exceeded 15 days and you still find any issue with our product, let as know via contact form on our website and we will assist you.

Once your return and/or exchange has been initiated and picked up by courier at your location we cannot edit your return or exchange.
If you need to make an exchange, please note that we only accept one exchange per product purchased and the exchange item must be equal value of the item originally purchased.

If you wish to return or exchange a product, please do so within 15 days of your purchase date.
•Refunds will be credited to the original form of payment.
•We cannot accept returns on used products unless you determine that the product or packaging is damaged.

Simply visit our return form here.

Enter all required information including a reason for your return or exchange.


If exchanging, select the product you would like to exchange for. Please keep in mind, the exchange product must be of same value of the original purchased product.

•Once you have completed the return form, you will be emailed a prepaid shipping label together with date and approximate time of pick up. at your location.
•Print out the packing slip and prepaid shipping label. Please make sure to include the packing slip inside your package. This will allow for our warehouse team to effectively process your return.
•Once your return has been received at our fulfillment center please allow 5-7 business days for your refund to be posted back to your original form of payment.
•For order exchanges, your exchange order will go into processing once delivered to our warehouse. Please allow 1 business day for order processing, and an additional 1-2 business days for delivery. Once your order has shipped you will be emailed with tracking information.

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